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Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Climate change is intensifying the US border crisis. It will only get worse
In the face of political turmoil following the assassination of the country's president, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people and a tropical storm, Haitians are fleeing their country.

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Climate change is intensifying the US border crisis. It will only get worse
In the face of political turmoil following the assassination of the country's president, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people and a tropical storm, Haitians are fleeing their country.

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Climate change is intensifying the US border crisis. It will only get worse
In the face of political turmoil following the assassination of the country's president, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people and a tropical storm, Haitians are fleeing their country.

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Climate change is intensifying the US border crisis. It will only get worse
In the face of political turmoil following the assassination of the country's president, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people and a tropical storm, Haitians are fleeing their country.

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Climate change is intensifying the US border crisis. It will only get worse
In the face of political turmoil following the assassination of the country's president, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people and a tropical storm, Haitians are fleeing their country.

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Climate change is intensifying the US border crisis. It will only get worse
In the face of political turmoil following the assassination of the country's president, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people and a tropical storm, Haitians are fleeing their country.

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Climate change is intensifying the US border crisis. It will only get worse
In the face of political turmoil following the assassination of the country's president, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed more than 1,000 people and a tropical storm, Haitians are fleeing their country.

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Deprem mi oldu? Kandilli ve AFAD son depremler listesi 26 Eylül 2021
Kandilli Rasathanesi ile AFAD bugün meydana gelen son depremler ile ilgili bilgileri aktardı. Akdeniz’de peş peşe depremlerin yaşandığı haftanın son gününde AFAD verilerine göreyse Muğla açıklarında 4.0 büyüklüğünde deprem gerçekleşti. Peki, en son nerede deprem oldu? İşte 26 Eylül 2021 son dakika deprem haberleri…

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS Muğla'nın Datça ilçesi açıklarında 4 büyüklüğünde deprem
Ege Denizi'nde, Muğla'nın Datça ilçesi açıklarında 4 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi.

Perşembe, 20 Ocak 2022, 10:38 ÖS TOKİ, dere yatağına deprem konutu yapmış
Elazığ’da 2020 yılında meydana gelen 6.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin ardından TOKİ tarafından yapılan deprem konutları kentte yükselmeye devam ederken merkeze bağlı Koçkale köyünde dere yatağı ve mera arazisine deprem konutları yapıldığı iddia edildi. Elazığ İl Özel İdaresi kaynaklarından alınan bilgiye göre konutların yapımından sonra konunun Elazığ İl Özel İdaresi imar komisyonuna getirildiği 6 kişilik komisyonta MHP’li […]